TSPC - Modeling and control for process industries 
                (Modellistica Matematica e Controllo per l'Industria di Processo)


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1. Course Contents and Description     on ESSE3
2. Current lecture slides  through MS TEAMS® and/or MS Sharepoint® (for registered students
3. Lecture Slides Course Handouts and Other Aids from the lecturer from the academic year 2018-19
4. On-line courses or study matters from the WEB  
5. 2014-to-date Examination Texts contains solved problems!
6. Examination Texts prior to 2014 contains solved problems!


Teaching Aids and Study Matters from the lecturer




Stephanopoulos, "Chemical process control ...", 1984

External link


Introduction to course

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Introduction to Matlab®

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Feedback Stability

Open and closed loop & BIBO stability

Chapter 14  

Transfer Function forms & Matlab®

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Root Locus

  Chapter 15 Root Locus in LPSA website at Swarthmore

Frequency response

Bode and Nyquist diagrams

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Chapter 17 and 18  

Nyquist stability criterion

Chapter 18  §18.4 Interactive page by prof. Mastacusa

Dead time

Padé Approximation

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Chapter 12  §12.2  

Smith Predictor

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Chapter 19  §19.1-2  

Inverse response systems


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Chapter 12  §12.3
Chapter 19  §19.3



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Chapter 13  §13.2  

More complex feedback control structures

Cascade, Ratio, etc.

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Chapter 20  §20.1
Chapter 21  §21.5
Chapter 22  §22.1-2



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Chapter 21  §21.1-4  



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Overview on Math Modeling


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Chapter 4;
Chapter 5  §5.1


Introduction to stability of non-linear systems


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Non-linear dynamic system taken as reference

Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor with Cooling Jacket

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Diabatic CSTR
by Prof. B.W. Bequette

Introduction to PPlane software


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On-line courses or study matters from the WEB



Linear Physical Systems Analysis (Laplace, Root Locus, Frequency Response, etc.)

The Swarthmore College

University of Michigan Chemical Engineering Process Dynamics and Controls Open Textbook


Instrumentation and Control Module 7

US Department of Energy
Fundamentals Handbook

Practical process control e-textbook


Feedback Systems: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers

California Institute of Technology
Richard M. Murray's page

Welcome To Exploring Classical Control Systems

Bucknell University
E.J. Mastascusa 's page

Process Control and Instrumentation

National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) - Phase II
Prabirkumar Saha's page

Past Examination Texts

Written Exam Date

Exam questions

solved test


2014-to-date Examination Texts



The dynamic process Gp(s) is is a "recirculative system"; a design requirement is required to get a % overshoot lower than 10%; extended Nyquist plot with closure at infinity because of the PI; a special inverse response compensator is to be built



GOL(s) to be approximated with a Padé approximation of 1st order; a design requirement is set for either a P or PID controller with the damping ratio to be 0.71;

extended Nyquist plot with closure at infinity because of the PID



Open loop Transfer Functìon assigned through given poles and zeroes, two of which are resonant;

asymptotic Bode plots;

extended Nyquist plot with closure at infinity



3 sub systems can be connected either in series or in parallel:

in both cases extended Nyquist plot with closure at infinity



Parametric pole at open loop either negative or null or or positive;

Root Locus; Nyquist plots.

Additional task: plot and discussion of Asymptotic Bode







Parametric open loop system giving inverse-response or a zero at origin;

Root Locus;

asymptotic Bode plots.



Open Loop Transfer function with dead time;

Root Locus after Padè approximation;

critical gain with Padè approximation and without it.



Obtainment of the Transfer function from given poles;

Root Locus;

Bode plots;

Nyquist diagram.



Open Loop Transfer function with dead time;

comparison of Root Locus and Bode plots when using Padè approximations of increasing order;

Nyquist diagram.



Open loop Transfer Functìon with resonant poles and double multiplicity;

extended Nyquist plot with closure at infinity

pole-zero cancellation.



Parametric open loop system giving inverse-response or a 2nd order TF;

Root Locus with a positive zero;

Bode plots;

Nyquist diagram passing exactly through the critical point.

February 5, 2020


Parametric open loop system giving inverse-response or a double pole TF;

Root Locus with a positive zero;

asymptotic Bode plots;

Nyquist diagram.

May 6, 2019 exam


Open Loop Transfer function given by 1st order, inverse-response systems;

Root Locus with imaginary axis crossing giving Kc*;

asymptotic Bode plots;

Nyquist diagram resulting after introduction of dead time.

March 11, 2019


Transfer function with pole at origin;

Root Locus with imaginary axis crossing giving Kc*;

definition and units of the delay margin;

Nyquist diagram resulting after introducing a dead time just equal to the delay margin within the Open Loop.

January 7, 2019


Open Loop Transfer function with triple pole at origin;

Root Locus with imaginary axis crossing giving Kc*;

non-monotonic Bode plot;

extended Nyquist plot with closure at infinity.

January 29, 2018

Open Loop rational Transfer function;

Root Locus with imaginary axis crossing giving Kc*;

asymptotic Bode plots;

Nyquist plot required to pass through the critical point at -1

October 6, 2017

Open Loop Transfer function with 2 distinct measuring sensors;

2 distinct Root Locus with different Closed Loop stability;

extended Nyquist plot with closure at infinity

July 18, 2017 exam

Transfer function with integrator;

Root Locus with 2 distinct values of Kc* for switch from stability to instability;

extended Nyquist plot with closure at infinity

June 15, 2016 exam

Transfer function with resonant poles;

Nyquist plot passing through the critical point

April 4, 2016 exam

Parametric transfer function;

inverse-response system

November 6, 2015

Transfer function with resonant poles;

extended Nyquist plot with closure at infinity

June 22, 2015 exam

Transfer function with poles at origin;

extended Nyquist plot with closure at infinity

Examination Texts prior to 2014

July 22, 2013


transfer function with resonant poles and double multiplicity;

extended Nyquist plot with closure at infinity

June 18, 2013 exam


May 13, 2013 exam


June 18, 2012 exam


March 1, 2012 exam


January 19, 2012


Nov. 22, 2011 exam


Oct. 24, 2011 exam


Sept. 27, 2011 exam

Root Locus after Padè approximation of either 1st, 2nd or 3rd order;

Dead time compensator

July 22, 2011 exam